We are your School Council
We are here to listen.
We are your voice.
Any of you can talk to any of us at any time to let us know if you have a worry or concern about something at school or even if you have a great idea you would like to make happen.
What do we do?
•We meet regularly with Mrs Perry and Mrs Gakhal to discuss school events, changes and updates
-We discuss projects that we would like to work on or things that we may wish to improve.
-We’ll also let you know any news from these meetings.
-We help around school and we are involved in school events.
-Everything we do shall reflect the school values.
Meeting Minutes
- Chair – our chair is Anisha
- Treasurers – our treasurers are Milly and Darcee
- Secretary – our secretary is Jaya

Our current projects
We are very proud that we raised £500 by selling items for the Poppy Appeal.
We are also working on a video for this website and our own display in Key Stage 1 Hall.
We have suggestion boxes and are looking forward to suggestions from our friends
Our Council are pictured below:
More about the School Council
The School Council plays a very important role in school life. We attend regular meetings and discuss important issues which may affect the pupils, parents and staff of Woodthorne Primary School and the surrounding community. The Chairperson can put forward a motion to the other Councillors to invite visitors to the meetings to discuss particular projects. The secretary records minutes so that everyone can read what our meetings are about and what decisions we have made. The treasurer records the money that we raise and spend, so that we keep good accounts. We think our School Council helps to make Woodthorne Primary School a fantastic school!