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Part of Year 1 homework this week was to write a story about the below picture which is called, “A Dangerous Pet”. We got some brilliant work and wanted to share them with you. Here are 3 of our favourites.

Meanwhile, Maya wrote her work using Word, using computer skills as well as writing a wonderful story. Well done!

A Dangerous Pet

by Maya Alsop

Once upon a time in a far away land there were two children, a brother and sister called Lucas and Leena. They lived in a large castle with big turrets and giant gates. I think you get the idea that the castle is quite big, maybe just maybe big enough to raise a dragon. Anyway lets get on with the story.

Lucas and Leena were twins and it was their 5th birthday. Lucas was rummaging through his presents, however Leena heard a noise in one of the presents. Leena was a very curious little girl so she decided to open it…

IT WAS THE BIGGEST, CUTEST BABY DRAGON!!!!! Their father told them that he thought they were old enough to raise a dragon and he was right. They called it Topaz, they trained it, years passed and when they were 18 they ruled the kingdom side by side with Topaz.