01902 921160

Miss Eardly asked me to share this with you as it is so relevant to your crime and punishment topic which you did in Spring at school.

“I am inviting you and your students at Woodthorne Primary and Nursery School to join us on a virtual guided tour on Wednesday 20th May at 11am of Shrewsbury Prison. The tour will give you a TASTER of what you and your students would experience on a visit to the jail. You can either choose to watch it ‘with’ them or share it for them to view in their own time. There will be a LIVE Q & A session once Graham has finished the tour so please feel free to submit a query.

The tour will be led by ex  officer Graham Goodwin who has 35 years’ experience working in the prison service here in the UK and in Australia. He will guide you on a one hour tour of the site, taking you through a virtual experience of what life would be like for a prisoner. He will start in the reception area go through 2 main wings taking in the original cells, the grim segregation areas, first night cells and on up to the execution suite.  He will be covering crime and punishment and social history through the ages.

To join all you need to do is click the link on the Shrewsbury Prison Facebook Page five mins before the tour starts.”